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From the Show Ring to Retirement: Brand Ambassador Blog by Aliza

From the Show Ring to Retirement: Brand Ambassador Blog by Aliza

We had an awesome response from our Wellington Ambassadors as well as new ones who have joined us in the past week.  We are starting a new program in which our girls will be writing blog posts about their fashion and equestrian experiences.

Our first post is by long time Fab Finds friend and Ambassador, Aliza.  She writes about her beloved horse, Kevin, and his journey of a talented show horse to a well deserved pasture life.

"Hi everyone it’s Aliza!

I have been asked to write about my experience with retiring my 26 year old horse.
I have had Kevin for about a year and I have gotten so attached to him. He has completely changed my confidence and attitude towards riding. As the months went by and WEF 2017 arrived I was motivated to do great! Training with Kevin Babington was a life changer because he truly understood Kevin. WEF 2017 was amazing we had ribboned almost every time we showed and Kev and I grew closer as a team.

During the last couple weeks of wef I realized it was time to retire Kevin. We finished our last show strong by holding the lead in the low child / adult training for a hour but ended second. After that he had a week off and I was on the hunt for a new horse. I was only able to ride him one last time and it was a very short ride. When I found out it was my last ride it crushed me. I never realized how fast the day that he leaves would come. The morning he left I was there extra early to spend my last hour with him.Although I still own him and he is only in Ocala it feels like he is a thousand miles away.

I currently own a new horse named Roady who I recently bought and we are still trying to create the bond that Kevin and I have.  He definitely has some big shoes to fill.”

We will be posting Ambassador blogs as we receive them.


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